Sunday, August 23, 2009

Champions 6th Ed--$80??

So Hero System 6th Ed is coming out soon. Hero 5th Ed Revised was a ginormous book, and I understand that 6th ed is going to be split into two books--at $39.99 apiece. I'm quite the Champions fangirl, but I may wait awhile before rushing right out to get these.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Congrats to Raleigh

Congratulations are in order to Raleigh, NC for winning the NASFiC bid. So, congratulations, Raleigh!

Check out their website for details:

Thursday, August 6, 2009

GameMaster's Girlfriend Sydrome

If you've been a gamer long enough, you'll eventually run into the dreaded GameMaster's Girlfriend Syndrome. I'll have a longer post on it anon, but for now, I'm opening up the floor for other folks to share their stories.

I'll share a brief one of my own. I was dating a guy who bent over backward not to show me any favoritism in the game he was running. He took it so far in the opposite direction, however, that my character was ruined, and even the other players noticed and commented on it. That game lasted about three sessions because it simply wasn't any fun for me, constantly being nearly killed, having my transportation slagged the first session (with no way to replace it), weapons continually misfiring, allies who weren't.... and what's more, the experience pretty much killed my desire to ever play Shadowrun again.

I wasn't looking for special treatment, just equal treatment. But is that possible, when love is in the air? What do you all think? What have your experiences been?